Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Ladder Beach Campfire Dinner

Saturday night Chris, Sarah and I decided to have a campfire at Ladder Beach. We cooked out our dinner, let Emma play on the beach, and just relaxed in the cave listening to the waves crashing on the shore. It was a beautiful, peaceful evening. Sarah cut up some fresh pumpkin, yams, zucchini and local green beans. We tossed them in olive oil and a few herbs, then wrapped them in foil and placed them on the hot coals at our campfire. Here is the beautiful and peaceful Ladder Beach, at about 6:00 p.m.Emma enjoying her beach and family time. Sarah inside the cave, wrapping our veggies in foil. Chris making sure the fire is going. Emma the ever faithful guard dog - wouldn't want that stray cat to get too close to her family. Sarah and Chris relaxing while the coals are getting ready. Our little foil packs of fresh veggies on the fire. We went to the farmer's market that morning and bought all our veggies. Sarah bought some fresh shrimp, too. Mmm - fresh fire grilled veggies!Awesome grilling results - everything tasted fantastic! But note to self, wooden skewers for the shrimp don't work with an open flame. Ha. If all that good food wasn't enough, we even had champagne with fresh (yes, fresh) strawberries. Were we spoiled or what?Chris and I enjoying our champagne and strawberries. Chris and Sarah - just enjoying a hug. This was an awesome end to a wonderful sunny day on our little tropical island. Good times! - as Josh would say.


Unknown said...

Thanks, Kelli- what a charmed life we lead! I am going to send a link to my Mum and Dad, they should enjoy your blog immensely

Sarah Beth said...

Lovely blog, Mom. It was an amazing night, and the food... Definitely a must-repeat!

Nakamuras on Saipan said...

yeah...its things like this we will miss when we leave....hey I posted some spa pictures on my blog.....I had a great day today....